
the reporting, of news

here is where i veer off my usual path of trying to write humour... - and simply just quote people (or articles, or whatever)

A lawyer writes (text), "Time for data protection laws". Looks like he got into the profession with a conscience. Good for him. Selected quotes (munged for humour's sake - you can click on the links to read the whole article; see - I HAVE JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY - and at least give u the proper links so that u can go make up ur own mind#):
In 1980, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ... These guidelines deal with the collection, use and storage of personal information, and they are so common-sensical, so self-evident, that it does not make sense to reject them.

And yet, Singapore has steadfastly [hey, man!!! u've got to be steadfast!!! "For 24 years"...] refused to enact a data protection law. The authorities continually point to a patchwork of disparate, isolated statutory provisions in different areas ...

The Government has consistently stated its preference for self-regulation in the private $ector. [and may i add, NON-self-regulation in the public sector - pls pay ur medisave... pls pay ur CPF... pls raise ur curtains... - pls wear ur underwear... <takes a deep breath> Pls check and upgrade ur windows - in case they fall down and harm any passer-by...; government-approved operators are standing by and ready to take ur business... (and NOW!!!, if u call within the next 5 minutes...). Do not chew gum - except when prescribed, yada yada yada...]

So, why is it that so many leading economies have data protection laws, but not $ingapore? What is so different about $ingapore?

The Government has alway$ cited increa$ed bu$ine$$ co$t$ a$ the primary rea$on. ...

Unfortunately, the authorities do not seem to see any practical value in the protection of privacy. Take for example the recent public consultation by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore regarding a proposed anti-spam law.


Instead, the thinking seemed to be akin to a philosophy of "keeping up with the Joneses". The paper noted the estimated costs of dealing with spam, explained how other countries such as the US had or were introducing spam laws and stated that it was now appropriate for Singapore to have its own spam law. The fact that spam is also objectionable because of its very invasiveness and intrusiveness did not merit even a passing mention.


It is not simply GDP [no - not 'Gross Democratic Process' - even though we have one] or GNP numbers that show whether or not we are a developed country.

No, it is also the intangibles such as respect for privacy, because it is these intangibles that show whether or not we have moved beyond the basics, whether or not we are able to appreciate things such as a person's dignity.

And in other news..., High-priced drugs and fat-cat salaries: the argument continues...


# i believe u have a mind of ur own, see - unlike a certain newspaper... - and a certain "reporter"....

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